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Generative Design for Future building Wednesday Webinar series - Neilsoft Limited

If we look at architecture as an object, represented in space, we always deal with geometry and a bit of math to understand and design this object. In the History of architecture, different architectural styles have presented multiple types of geometry and logic of articulation and each period has found a way to deal with its geometrical problems and questions. Since computers have started to help architects, simulate space and geometrical articulations, it became an integral tool in the design process (Architecture, Engineering (MEP)).

Computational Geometry became an interesting subject to study and combination of programming algorithms with geometry, yielded algorithmic geometries known as Generative Algorithms. Although 3D software’s helped to simulate almost any space visualized, it is the Generative Algorithm notion that brings the current possibilities of design, like ‘parametric design’ in the realm of architecture.

When it comes to Engineering(MEP) it will give you flexiblity to design your own computation for Load calculation, Energy analysis and visualization. You can derive our own computational algorithm to perform the calculation. At easy of time we can update the parameter values equipment.

I just played with Conceptual geometry and parameters using Dynamo Generative visual scripts.

These conceptual scripts will leads to limitless Design option for our Building exteriors.

Working with parameters will always leads to reduce numerous repetitive task. And it will add our efficiency by another 10%.

For the full length video, Call us (Toll Free )   1 800 3000 64 64 


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